I have been so far removed from 40k of late that I honestly had no idea that we are just ten days from a new edition!  HOLY CRAP!

Even further, I got a tickle in my belly as I started reading the rumor mills about what is coming, and found out that Blood Angels are rumored to be on the cover and featured in the new box set.  Might this be the love that the Sons of Sanguinius have been searching for?

It makes sense in a way.  Orks and Angels, two of the GW mainstays, have been neglected in 6th ed.  I don't know much about Orks, but Blood Angels have been neutered and reduced to the level of combat ineffective. The 6th edition rule set completely and totally opposed them from the start and every one knew it.  So why no new codex?  I guess we have our answer.

New editions are not just hatched over night. If they are launching a new edition now, than it has been in the work for some time.  That explains why we have not seen a new BA book.  They set the plan into motion that BA will get the love in 7th long ago. The digital update was meant to placate us. I bet we can assume that was the date that the decision was made for 7th.

Whatever.  So what is coming?  What I have read makes me happy.  Orks are due out on he heels of the new edition. Then a new box set will come out, presumably containing Orks and Angels. Then Angels will drop shortly after.  I have seen rumors about a new unit of veterans who have come back from the Rage. Sweet. I have seen rumors of a limited edition starter kit with a Sanguinary Priest model... Ive been asking for that for years!

In all, it is looking like this is going to be the year of the Blood Angels. New rules, new models, new codex. Can I say new army?

It is amazing how my interest in this game was instantly and immediately rejuvenated. Thank god. I miss 40k.
