Last December a friend and I met up at Warhammer World for a day of gaming. He lives in the north of England and I live in the south west so Nottingham is more or less half way for us so is perfect for when we can get weekend passes from our other halves to go and play with our toy soldiers. Having just had our table bookings confirmed for the end of July I am very excited to our next visit.

This time we are planning to play games on both a Saturday and Sunday and we're aiming to go BIG. For the Saturday we've booked the daddy, Fort Pain, weighing in at 12 x 6 this board is the daddy. We are going to aim for (after a warm up game or two) a 5000 point battle to take full advantage of the board. This will literally involved all my models, whether painted or not and my friend will need to assist my force with the donation of his Grey Knights and Imperial Knight. 

When I saw this table during our previous visit I fell in love with it and am very excited about being able to play on it. Warhammer World is open to 10PM on a Saturday so our plan is to game into the evening, having our lunch and dinner at Bugmans Bar... oh and a few pints of ale as well!

For the Sunday we have booked the smaller, but modular, Doom of Gorgon table. This is a normal 6 x 4 board using the Realm of Battle pieces. I'm really looking forward to playing some smaller games (compared to the 5k mayhem) on a more relaxed Sunday.

Now that the weekend has been booked I have a deadline to get as many models painted as possible. I have a plan and will do my best to get as much done as possible. With the Emperors guidance I'll complete my goals and allow my friend and I to play some epic games with fully painted armies. Game on!