So I've been very very buys the past few weeks with work and real life stuff so my painting output has dropped quite a bit recently! However I have managed to finish 5 more leadbelchers finishing off the unit of 8. Really happy with how these guys came out and I think the unit looks great. Really fallen in love with this unit, it does a silly amount of damage with shooting (as long as you are shooting the right targets: Chaff, Warmachines and Cavalry) and thrown into combat with a cheeky Maw buff or wildform and it is a scary unit for most things in the game, especially elves and infantry!

Ok so I have 1 month today until Cry Havoc (70 player Scottish tournament) and in that time I need to get 3 Dragon OrcOgre Mournfang, a Sabretusk and movement trays. This shouldn’t be too difficult and if I really focused it will only take a week but I need to summon up the courage to do some freehand on my banners! My plan is to have this all done for the 31stof May when Scott is hosting a practise day for Cry Havoc. After this requirement is complete I will just be doing a few bits and bobs to bring the army up 3000pts. To do this I will be painting my Rock Idol, 2 more sabre tusks, a Firebelly, 2 ironguts and 2 bulls. That only leaves me with 3 or 4 more Ogre models to finish off the army!