.. and the best age seems to be almost 6?

I had put up a post a while ago concerning me starting in an escalation ( kinda ) league at the local GW store. With a Buy it, Build it, Battle it campaign.

And how I also painted up a test subject for the army to see how it will do.

Well May 15th was the starting date in which we can buy, and begin the building process!

So after school, I picked up Junior. Fed him some pizza, and then headed to the local store to pick up our starter box for the impending series of events!

Reason for the lizardmen as the starter army instead of say Daemons or Orcs/Goblins and adding to what I already have is that this will be his army! And everytime we have gone into the store, he has been looking and asking for the Dinosaur army.. Who can resist that then eh?

So we picked up the starter box, and the Skink Priest as the main forces to use and paint up. I only need 800 points so this will do more than nicely to begin with.

Junior is already setting his eyes on the larger ones, but we will hold off ( for now! ) on those until we get in a couple of games with the existing forces. And more importantly.. getting them all painted up! May as well teach him proper here on buy, build, paint, then repeat the process.. not just getting stuck in the first phase or 2... like his old man has been stuck in for years!

And although I have been sick a lot lately, I have had the energy to clean up, de-mold, and assemble the force ( or at least most of it ) Thursday night, and Friday. Allowing us to do some work on them over the weekend.. which turned into mostly a Sunday exercise as Saturday I was in bed or on the couch under blankets :(

The force begins to take shape.. WIP shot from Thursday night!
So Sunday morning.. after Mrs Lee took off, we descended upon the dining table with newspaper in hand, glue and brushes on stand by, and a tub of sand/cork pieces ready to be put to bases!

Junior was quite eager to get started and begin to paint up the models, but prep is everything as we all know so we had to get the basing materials down first. So I equipped him with the latest in brush technology ( or rather one of my older brushes... no W&Ns yet for this padawan!!! ) we tackled the basing!

As you can see, he really got into it and began to really start pouring through the models to get that sand fixed to them. Plus he had his Fruit Shoot drinks to help aid him in his thirst as the work continued!

Tough work that is.. though he was thankful for a bit of assistance from his old man here to get the army finished up and to help with the super gluing of the cork pieces to the bases.

And after a short ( or long depending on attention span! ) time we had the entire force based up!

Huzzah! Last thing to do at this point however was to wait for the glue to dry, and then prime them out in the nice English weather we seem to be having!

On standby with the primer!

However the heat, nice weather, and smell of the primer drove Junior off to play footie in the yard instead.. so old man Lee here at to take over. Not much else was done after this as all the running around in the backyard almost killed us both ( damn exercise! ) and so we vegged on the couch for the remainder of the evening.

But we can call it successful as the army is now primed and ready for paint! So the adventures will continue very shortly on this project and will see how Junior does with the painting aspect! Heck.. we are even going to attempt to use the airbrush! Oh the Humanity!!!!

Enjoy the army shot so far.. and enjoy the Monday... if you can...