Yesterday we got a lot of new pictures showing some new sculpts, including revised versions of the Cybertronic Starter set and Brotherhood Starter. Unfortunately not well received from all, and while I can see their point I can't agree with them. Prodos Games is updating their portfolio of miniatures from our feedback, the Valkyries where a paint to assemble.... Prodos makes new ones. Awesome if you ask me, if the same would have happened with a GW product of late we might see a new version ten years from now.

Not the best comparison maybe but you get the point, and Prodos is still a very young company who produced a lot of different miniatures in a short amount of time. Still they need to sell after us KS backers have gotten their goods as well and need the best possible product too attract more people into WZ:R.

I have both the old Cyber starter and Brotherhood starter, and although the new starters is far superior in looks I also think it mixes very well with the old ones. So I bought both of the new starters without hesitation, I also bought some Sacred Warriors and the newly posed Etoiles Mortants (have ten already but the new poses will be mixed into my other squads).

If you want to buy something or just check them out more I do recommend their own Prodos Shop. I ordered earlier today and it is already in transit, really fast and can't wait to get my hands on the new stuff. But enough of this, here's the pictures of the new stuff. Also found here are the models made for Mutant Chronicles RPG 3rd Ed.