Howdy folks!

As you can see, I've been busy! Under three weeks to finish a commission like this is pretty good, methinks! I had a lot of fun working on an army like this. The commission, in total, was:
  • 3 Imperial Knight Titans, done in House Raven scheme with magnetized guns
  • 1 Warhound Titan, done in Legio Metalica Heraldry, with a Plasma Blastgun, Vulkan Megabolter, and 2 Turbo Laser Destructors
We opted for an urban theme on the bases; a mix of the Garden of Morr kit and the old Urban Barricades created this feel perfectly, some static grass, dusted black, added to the cemetery feel. Enough chitter chatter, more matter!

To add more character, the Knights were named after the Three Musketeers!

'Aramis' with Battle Cannon, above, and with Thermal Cannon below.

Love the decals on these kits, they add so much flavor and work so well!

'Athos'; he's the Seneschal of the group, hence the different helmet and larger striped carapace.

And 'Porthos', I opted to use checkers on the shoulderpads to add flavor.

And the big boy himself, 'Erasmus'. I had a ton of fun assembling and painting this beast; this is easily my favorite 40k model I've ever had the pleasure of doing! Shown here with the Plasma Blastgun and Vulkan Mega Bolter!

The Blastgun was done with a mix of airbrush work, washes, and, of course, some brushwork!

And a shot for scale next to some cultists!

You heretics probably want to run now...

Lots of open spaces allowed for a lot of freehand work and other little details. Here I added a freehand scroll with 'Erasmus'....

...while the right shinguard got an entire Legio Metalica emblem emblazoned on it! Legio Metalica translates to 'Iron Skulls' in Low Gothic, so I took the existing emblem and updated it!

The emblem was also repeated on the back carapace!

The other shinguard got a marbled eagle across it, again with 'Erasmus' written across the scrollwork.

The pilot, Princeps Dumas, has been fully painted, and the head carapace removes to show the entire interior. The crew was quickly painted, then airbrushed blue to show the extreme glow coming from the controls. 

Same thing with the servitors in the back, they were painted, then sprayed blue to give a glow effect.

Purity seals, purity seals, and hey! More purity seals!

The largest building in the Garden of Morr kit, a crypt, made the perfect embellishment to his base, as not only does it look good, but it makes him look even bigger!

I realized I forgot to get a picture of him with the Turbo Laser Destructors, so I'll get that up in a future post! While I'm sad to see this commission go, I've got another Warhound commission coming in soon, which will be a lot of fun!

Next up is terrain, terrain, and more terrain, along with the Obsidian Knight, and some daemons! Stay tuned!
