Nick speaking,

Unlike the move from 5th to 6th Edition, there isn't a huge change in this section, there is definitely a lot of copy and pasting going on in this book. Infantry, bikes and Jetbikes are exactly the same, with a note that they are Very Bulky. Jinks of course has changed, and you now get a 4+ Jinks save, but can only snap shot the next turn. More than that though, you no longer need to move to Jink, but you have to declare you will Jinks once the unit has been selected for a target and before any hits are done!

Artillery, Jump and Jet Pack rules seem to be exactly the same, and Beasts have now lost their move through cover special rule! Cavalry and Monstrous Creatures are unchanged, except for how the special rules work, which we will look at in the special rules post later in the series.

Next is Flying Monstrous Creatures, and here we see some changes. Mainly being that you cannot assault the same turn that you change flight modes, so no landing and assaulting the same turn. Making the dakka flyrant king, and it seems this book is not going to help choppy armies! Grounding tests are different, you now take a test at the end of the phase, and only if you take one or more unsaved wounds. If you are grounded, and you stay in gliding mode in your turn, you are able to assault. A quick look at Vectored strike tells me that it is now only one hit, but it's now AP2. Smash is also now only one attack!

Lastly there is the addition of Gargantuan and Flying Gargantuan Creatures to the book.

Next up, Vehicles...