Well Dreadbeard, Spellduckwrong and Myself are hard at work giving the blog a face lift.  We are changing
gear completely.  40K has gone in a direction we are not happy with.  Although we are still holding onto our armies, 40K is now dead in our FLGS.  So if you have been tuning in for 40K coverage is it going to be sparse at best from here on in.  Coverage of War Machine and Hordes will be on the rise, as well as other games.  First and foremost though we will be covering Firestorm Armada.

That said the name of the blog will also be changing.  No longer will we be known as Craftworld Lansing.  When the overhaul is done "The Waygate" shall be left in is place.

So I say goodbye to 40K and GW once again.  In your quest to expand your business you have alienated many of your long time players, hobbyists and biggest supporters.  Despite your status as the makers of the  "Rolls Royce" of miniatures your obvious money grabbing at the expense of a decent game has me and many other fed up.  40K is no longer fun for me.  I will still hobby and paint, but I will not buy any of your products from here on in.  Your practices and excuses that you "are only a miniature company" when faced with criticism about your rules is tired and a cop out.

I invite everybody to still follow and read the blog even if 40K is your only game.  Its good to know what else is out there.  If you part ways with us, thanks for reading.  We appreciate our followers and readers and you guys are why we do this.  Sometimes when you love something you have to it go.  I have been a 40K player and hobbyist for over 20 years.  I left once and it was not because of the game, but rather the hypocrisy of GW when I was let go in 2000 from the company.  Now I leave because of the game and the companies attitude.  We now start a new path and don the mantels of Field Marshals and Admirals.

May Cegorach guide your path and Khaine bless your sword. and for the last time.

Blood Runs, Anger Rises, Death Wakes, War Calls!!!!!!!!!