I was so delighted to see what turned up on my doorstep this weekend: my Stonehaven Elves!

Moar minis!!
 I don't know where to start with these guys- there are so many cool ones. But I am super excited about the three trolls that were a part of the Completionist set. I now have five of these big baddies (only one painted so far haha). My favorite part is that they did a lady troll this time!

I'm looking forward to painting all them.
 I now have a huge mountain of Stonehaven miniatures. I knew these were coming, though, so it gave me a little kick in the butt to start working on the Dwarves. And I did!

A rogue, monk, and undead.

 Now I want to start playing an RPG just so I can play this kick-ass monk character. There are 16 Dwaves left, and the witch is next on my painting queue. She might get moved back by one of the Elves though, I'm feeling really inspired by the one that's riding a stag.