June sees the return of the Blog Wars tournament, now held at North-West Gaming Centre in Stockport. The event will be ran using 6th edition rules rather than 7th (I'll be having a rant aboutt 7th edition at some point!).

However, without further ado, here is my list:


Tank Commander [30] + Knight Commander Pask [40] = 70
• Leman Russ Punisher [140] + lascannon [10] + sponson multi-meltas [20] = 170
• Leman Russ Punisher [140] + lascannon [10] = 150
• Leman Russ Punisher [140] + lascannon [10] = 150

Ministorum Priest = 25

Primaris Psyker [50] + Mastery Level 2 [25] = 75

Primaris Psyker [50] + Mastery Level 2 [25] = 75

Platoon Command Squad [30] + 2× flamer [10] = 40
• Infantry Squad [50] + Heavy Weapons Team [0] with lascannon [20] = 70
• Infantry Squad [50] + Heavy Weapons Team [0] with lascannon [20] = 70
• Infantry Squad [50] + Heavy Weapons Team [0] with lascannon [20] = 70
• Infantry Squad [50] + Heavy Weapons Team [0] with lascannon [20] = 70

Veteran Squad + Grenadiers [15] + 3× flamer [15] = 90

1 Vendetta Gunship = 170

1 Vendetta Gunship = 170

1 Wyvern = 65

1 Wyvern = 65

Autarch [70] + Eldar jetbike [15] = 85

5 Windrider Guardians = 85

5 Windrider Guardians = 85

1,850 points