What a day yesterday - at least blogwise. I was mentioned/had a mini feature on Faeit212's "What's on you table series" and had the crazy amount of more than 2300 visits to the blog - quite surreal, considering the normal number is around a 100 on regular days. Quite thrilling though and thanks to Nafka.

I have had a few requests on the red, so here's an overview on how it's done. Nothing is 100% as I keep experimenting a bit, but this is how it was done on the Hunter Robots.

Base: black
Baselayer: GW Mecrite red
Shade one: VMC Burnt cad. red
Shade two: VMC Black red
Highlight one: watered down VMC red
Highlight two: watered down mix og VMC red and GW Mephiston red
Highlight three: watered down GW Mephiston red
Highlight four: watered down mix GW Mephiston red and GW Evil sunz scarlet
Highlight five: watered down GW Evil sunz scarlet
Highlight six: watered down mix GW Evil sunz scarlet and GW Wil drider red
Edge highlight: GW Wild rider red.

and rounding off a fine line of black wash in the deepest recesses around the armour.