Hi All
Huzzah! I've finished my Plague models for Deadzone and with a couple of days to spare before our Day of Deadzone on Sunday. The last 3 models are a pair of Stage 2 and a mutated Teraton.
Here's a few pics of them.....
Stage 2...
and the last Stage 2....
finally all 3...
I've enjoyed painting these as a change from my usual 40k stuff, I'm pleased with the finish and I'm really looking forward to seeing them on the table. It's also been a great start to my hobby points system which I started at the same time as this project, these points will go toward some of the shiny new Ork stuff from GW.
But for now my next project is my Imperial Knight, stay tuned for WIP posts over the coming weeks, I intend to try magnetising for the first time and I'm going to try my hand at some OSL also for the first time.
Any tips to share on either technique are always welcome.
That's it for now, next post will be a report on Sundays Day of Deadzone....
Deadzone Plague Strike Team Completed
by Boss Bluddtoof | May 31, 2014