This is quite a daunting project for me as I have never painted up any tanks before, so I really looking forward to it, perhaps this will also help me finish those robots.
Without even being finished with the robots I have already begun thinking about the next project to feed my painting mojo. And strongly inspired by Dave Taylor over at the most amazing Mechanicus blog I simply need to paint up a tank. I also came to think I don't think I have ever uploaded pictures of it before so here goes. It's quite the cool model, made by the guy who used to run Plastic Krak, sadly I do not know if the stuff will go into production again, now FW seem to have a progessing mass of AdMech miniatures. This was thought as a Cataphractus Neutrino Irradiatror from the TF codex (by me anyway), but should I get to use the FW books at some point I don't see why it shouldn't double as one of the new Krios line of tanks.