This step is to go over the whole miniatures with out base paint and leaving the recesses alone. You need to be more careful when you painting this step so we don't loose the shadow effect from the washes. Some of the cloth areas have small ridges and crevasses, here I just paint it all over with the base paint, because I will will highlight those ridges in the next step.
The only area I don't reapply the base paint is on the gun barrels I just leave them as they are and the rifle wood was done in step 2 so the only area on the weapons that will be painted are the bayonets.
If yo want the first two step go here for step one and here for step two.
Base Paint
Red parts - Mechrite Red
Layer 1
Uniform - Khaki Grey 70.880
Boots - Black Grey 70.862
Helmet & Grenades - Caliban Green 1:1 Death World Forest (For those who don't want to mix paint, use Loren Forest)
Rifle Wood - Deathclaw Brown
Boots - Black Grey 70.862
Bedrolls - Flat Earth 70.983
Leather - Scorched Brown
Straps & Cantines - Karak Stone
Skin - Elf Flesh
Bayonets & Other metal details - Leadbelcher
Medals & Officer belt buckle - Brass 70.801
Red parts - Evil Sunz Scarlet
Helmet & Officer belt buckle - Army painter Strong tone
Bolt Action Soviet Infantry painting guide – WIP 3
by Freebooter Kash | Jun 8, 2014