After an internet search, turns out this miniature is a 'Stainless Steel Painboy'. I'm unsure of the edition, but it seems quite old. His right arm is a combination of Mk3 Power armour, a plastic Chaos marine boltpistol and some cables, cardboard, and a bit of round base.
It's not really come out in the photograph, but his eyes and the slime on the base are varnished with gloss varnish.
The hand-pistol was fun to discover.
I've been reading Oldhammer blogs and I like the way the shields often had these crazy faces on them, so I had a go at one.
Lots of tools on his tool belt, but no hands to reach any of them.
Smiley face :D
His brain is safely locked up in case someone tries to pinch it.
See more Necromunda hired guns in Yaktribe's first competition here!