In my last post I talk about the recent changes to the Warhammer 40k 7th edition. I didn't, however, talk about it's changes on me. It seems I've kind of hit a saturation point with the game. I'm not really buying more models (sorry Gopher Dave) and I'm not really interested in painting the models I have. So where does that leave me? Well, I've started exploring other game systems. In particular Privateer Press Warmachine.

There have been several people try to get me to start this game as an alternative to 40k for a while now and it seems I'm finally ready. I've chosen my starting army The Convergence of Cyriss. Supposedly a very hard army to start learning the game with. That doesn't really bother me though. I started Eldar in 40k 4th edition and they were hardly the push button army they are today. Then, you had to support every piece of the army or you lost. This Warmachine army seems very similar to that. So, yeah, I'm going to be stepping away from 40k, slowly. This is by no means a quick transition. I have to first sell off my beloved Space Wolves (I will NEVER get rid of my Eldar) to start buying a new army. Then it will take some time to get the new models painted and ready to play.

Of course, none of this matters compared to the life changing event I have coming up this year. This fall, my beautiful wife will be giving birth to twin daughters. Yup. That's right, twins. She is gonna need all the help I can give and so, I'll be giving up the world of gaming totally for a while seeing how there are way more important things to focus on.

As for this blog, well, I'm going to keep trying to update things. Updates on the Warmachine painting, the games of 7th ed 40k that I get to play and other things like that. Not to fear though, I won't turn this into a parenting blog lol.