It's much easier to steal some-ones belongings when they're suitably distracted...apparently a pretty face and a flash of thigh helps greatly in that area...

The Box - Front and Rear.

With the unboxing articles that cover metal models I'll be taking the initial pictures without any cleaning up so you can see them 'warts and all'. With the advent of version 2 (M2E) the 1.5 version stat cards are obsolete but they are included here for the sake of completeness.

Colette Du Bois.


Performer 1 and Mannequin.

Performer 2 and Mannequin.

Mine are assembled on Fenris Games Floorboard bases but a number of companies produce similar ones...or you can make your own with bits of those coffee stirrers that all hobbyists should 'acquire' a handful of every time they can...

Colette Du Bois - Assembled.
A single piece model with minimal mould lines and no issues.

Cassandra - Assembled.
The sword is a separate piece with her lower arms attached to it. Contact points are large enough to make attachment fairly simple. 

Performer 1 - Assembled.
A single piece model with minimal mould lines and a couple of supporting pieces that need removing. You should have no issues with this one.

Mannequin 1 - Assembled.
Arms are separate and have ball joints so multiple poses are easy to accomplish should you wish. I however went with a more...casual pose. You could also swap arms with the other mannequin if you wish further variety.

Performer 2 - Assembled.
A single piece model with minimal mould problem...

Mannequin 2 - Assembled.
Arms are separate and have ball joints so multiple poses are easy to accomplish should you wish. I however went with a more...casual pose. You could also swap arms with the other mannequin if you wish further variety.

Thoughts and comments are (as usual) most welcome.