Ever since Halo 5 was announced for the XBox One, rumors have been abound that an emulator would be made available so the previous Halo games could be played on the next-gen console. It looks like this was halfway to the truth. Revitalised versions of Halo: CE, Halo 2, Halo 3 and Halo 4 will be made available to buy as Halo: The Master Chief Collection. There’s already been grumbles that Halo: ODST and Halo: Reach won’t be included but seeing as the Master Chief isn’t in those games, as great as they are, it would seem a bit daft. Plus it’s churlish to ask for Mars when you’ve been given the Earth. And four games for £50 is pretty tidy.
This is all adding up to one inescapable truth…I’m saving up for an XBox One as of now. It was always going to happen: I wanted an XBox One anyway but throw in Halo 5, Batman: Arkham Knight and now The Master Chief Collection and I’m about to be very poor for a very long time.
Anyway, enjoy the trailer. For the die hards out there this is a very familiar scene remastered beautifully.