It is a glorious Friday morning here in the UK.. sun is shining... grass at work has been freshly cut.. and the need to go outside is growing!

With that said.. last night I sat indoors and got a few more reinforcements finished up!

I was able to get them primed and base coated with airbrush on Wednesday night.. and then finished them off last night.. Just need to add flock to the bases and paint the rims..

What did I get finished?

  • 3 anti-tank Suicide fighters
  • Anti-tank spotter
  • Bamboo warrior ( will do a quick step by step at some point of these at the request of a follower! )
  • a generistic spotter/gunner
  • 2 light mortar holders
  • a NCO/Junior Officer?
  • and a flamethrower unit
Not a ton of things, but a good 11 man group of models painted up. 

I only have 22 more models assembled, but not based, that needs to be painted. And I have the parts to make up to 17 more infantry in various crouching or lying down positions.. and a few more bodies that might turn into objective markers. 

What this means is that I am almost finished all the models I bought for this army, and done in less than a month or so.. quite happy with that!

Of course.. while looking at my army book, I saw a really cool army theme that I think I might explore.. though it is a bit unorthodox for Bolt Action. Being that it will have a TON of boots on the ground when finished.. and only needs me to purchase another starter box and 2 more boxes of infantry. Oh and a ton of converting for Bamboo Warriors! Doable.. but will see.. 

The army would fit within a 1250 pts game.. which is getting quite large for me now.. but would be one heck of a game to play. And very themed as they are all in-experienced troops, and consists of mostly Militia and Bamboo warriors.. Meaning that they are the absolute last line of defense for the territory that they are defending!

The list looks like this..

2 platoons, 1250 pts.. 

Platoon 1
2nd Lieutenant, +2 men
Kempeitai Officer
15 Militia
15 Militia
15 Militia
15 Bamboo Warriors
15 Bamboo Warriors
Heavy Mortar w/Spotter

Platoon 2
2nd Lieutenant +1 man
Kempeitai Officer
15 Militia
15 Militia
15 Militia
15 Bamboo Warriors
15 Bamboo Warriors
Heavy Mortar w/Spotter

This would give me 10 very large infantry units. 6 with shooting 4 for close combat/absorbing shots. All with the ability to be upgraded to Regular when taking their first casualty. And the 2 heavy mortars can help to take out vehicles with a couple of good rolls hopefully!

But it would give me 18 order dice ( unheard of considering I was getting moans about 13 dice in my last game! ) and also 167 sets of boots on the ground as well! That is a lot of people that the opponent needs to deal with!

Will see if I go crazy and try to buy all of this, and then attempt to play it all.. will also see if I am then immediately tossed from the campaign for such a list ;) 

Enjoy the weekend.. while I go and cut the grass this afternoon and begin to look at the lizardmen army with junior this weekend!