So I recently ordered some bits being offered by very cool company in England. I figured they would look great on my Rough Riders and I just couldn't resist. As usual the bits were shipped within days of ordering and I sat back and began to wait. About 2 weeks later I came home and there it was, the little brown bag o bits, and I couldn't wait to get it open.
As you can see by the above and below pictures the contents were not quite what I had expected. Some Wingnut decided to swap out the original contents with those displayed in the pics. (I have to admit though, the Lindt Chocolate was good, The bacon chips thingy... not so much)
To make a long story short, I jumped on the computer and shot an email of, and over the next day or two we came up with a plan to get the order shipped again. The company planned on registering a complaint by the Royal Mail, and I do hope they figured something out. And the whoever made the swap deserves a good slap upside the head.
Not to drag this out, but the new shipment arrived yesterday, and this time it is complete. :) So be looking forward to some Rough Rider updates.
@ "The Company" Seeing that I didn't ask if I could post about this, I've removed all references to the real you.