The Blood Berets are the best of the best, universally renowned military elite of the Imperial
Special Forces. The long history of the regiment started 1125 years ago when the Murdoch Clan resolved to muster a special force to counter the new threat of the Dark Symmetry. Time after time
the regiment has proven itself both fiercely loyal to the Serenity and all she stands for and highly
competent at dealing with all forces, human and otherwise, which threaten the interests and welfare
of the corporation and mankind generally. Their cold blooded effectiveness has made them
one of the most feared and well respected forces in the solar system; often, even, a warlord of the
Dark Legion shudders with annoyance and frustration when it becomes clear that the Blood Berets
stand between him and his goal.

From Imperial Corporation PDF

This was going to be a 'Miniature Monday' post but I could not manage to get them completely finished. Now they are though and I'm quite happy with how they turned out and how a whole squad of Blood Berets looks.

They take time to paint though and most probably that is because I'm still unused to paint camo patterns, but that is something I need to get used to now when I paint up a lot of Warzone miniatures.

Great looking miniatures for one of my favorite regiments in the Mutant Chronicles universe, and a treat to paint up as well. Almost no mold lines and easy to attach and detach the arms until I had painted everything I needed before gluing the arms on.

As always any comments are most welcome!