I must admit that I have laughed at the ridiculous prices that many internet traders give old school Citadel products. £29.99 for a single dwarf still available from the GW website as part of a set of 8? Or £7.99 for one Bretonnian knight that can be bought brand new from The Wargames Foundry along with seven others?

Any serious collector will no doubt have similar atrocious stories. Sadly, these greedy prices only confuse newbie collectors and encourage hyper-inflation with 4th Edition plastic monopose beastmen. If in doubt when selling an old school item on eBay, think carefully about what you are naming your listing and start at a 99p opening bid. A truly valuable item will always find its price. 

Anyway, the much maligned BIN deal turned up trumps for me this week when I stumbled upon this little collection of skeleton models for a shocking sum of £9.99 (including p&p). Binning the minging 1993 'musician' still leaves me with six fantastic models (including the great beady skelly that Thantsants showed off last weekend during our Third Edition game) and an undead rider for just over a quid each. 

No THAT's good value!

So good, I had to snap up a similar deal of Dark Elves today when I spotted them on the seller's shop. Now, I don't want to give away my secrets, but there is a little watermark on the picture above that may well give you a little clue to the seller. Be quick though, because there are a great deal of bargains on there at the moment, including lots of nice pre-slotta. 

Like I said... Be quick!