So the core of my CSM army is the purple spearhead.  I realise that sounds a bit risque, but I suppose it's Slanneshi army, so its to be expected...

This picture is more or less the whole bunch, which looks like this:

3rd Element  Emperor’s Children
HQ                                          Deamon Prince, Deamon Sword, Power Armour
Elite                                       10 Noise Marines, Champion with Power Sword and fist, Blastmaster, 3x sonic blaster, heavy bolter.
Elite                                       12 Noise Marines, Champion, Blastmaster, 3x sonic blaster, missile launcher.
Fast Attack                          2 Spawn (Bill and Ted)
Elite                                       Sonic Dreadnaught, TL Master Blasters, CCW
Heavy Support                  Predator, Autocannon, HB Sponsons, Pintle Storm Bolter
Heavy Support                  Predator, Autocannon, HB Sponsons, Pintle Storm Bolter
Heavy Support                  Predator, Autocannon, HB Sponsons, havoc launcher
Heavy Support                  Predator, TL Laser cannon, Laser Cannon Sponsons, Pintle Storm Bolter
Heavy Support                  Predator, TL Laser cannon, Laser Cannon Sponsons, Pintle Storm Bolter, Doom Sirens
Heavy Support                  Predator, TL Laser cannon, Laser Cannon Sponsons, Havoc Launcher
Heavy Support                  Defiler, Hvy Flamer
Heavy Support                  Defiler, TL Reaper Autocannon
Heavy Support                  Defiler, Hvy Flamer
HQ                                          Herald of Slannesh on a Seeker
Troops                                  8x Deamonettes
Fast Attack                          1 beast (counts as fury)
Fast Attack                          3x Land Speeder, Multi-melta and Hvy Flamer

Fast Attack                          Land Speeder Typhoon.

Pict showing the sonic dread anchoring one flank.  The plan for this army was always to have double lash of submission deamon princes in power armour just swanning about the midfield, lashing units out of cover and straight in front of the predators and noise marines.  Good plan eh ?  Yeah, I'll stick with that.  No, wait. sad face - not with this codex.

And another pict with the Deamon Prince.  So this army could have a Chaos Lord added, which, paying the points for the right S&M Club membership, make the Noise Marines troops.  Otherwise I'll need another plan.