So I finished my OrcOgre Rock Idol last night up, all he needs now is a rider. Really loved painting this guy, incredibly fun model to paint with buckets of character and I cant wait to get him on the gaming table. I used a few new washes with this model, in particular Athonian camo-shade. When washes over 5 layer drybrushed and washed stone it really looks great as moss or algae covered stone. I am going to use this method on the bases for my next Empire army (I’m thinking a new colour of flowers, maybe yellow or white?).

Anyway let me know what you guys think of him! Should have the rider done tomorrow night all going to plan!

So I finished my OrcOgre Rock Idol last night up, all he needs now is a rider. Really loved painting this guy, incredibly fun model to paint with buckets of character and I cant wait to get him on the gaming table. I used a few new washes with this model, in particular Athonian camo-shade. When washes over 5 layer drybrushed and washed stone it really looks great as moss or algae covered stone. I am going to use this method on the bases for my next Empire army (I’m thinking a new colour of flowers, maybe yellow or white?).

Anyway let me know what you guys think of him! Should have the rider done tomorrow night all going to plan!