I decided not to start on my Rasputina crew until I had one of everything as I have a definite theme in mind and didn't want to start trying to match the paint scheme later on other models.

I was missing a Silent One, Snow Storm and December Acolytes. I've managed to obtain two of those through the wonders of e-bay...

...and have a metal December Acolyte on the way. This means I'm just awaiting it's arrival and the release of the plastic M2E December Acolyte box in order to complete the current pile of models...

...and begin work on my cult of cannibals. I really want to build on the more unpleasant aspects of Decembers followers and have found some inspirational pictures that will give you some idea of what I'm planning on...

My crew a week projects are obviously usually to motivate me to get things done but this one may be spread over a couple of weeks as I'm really looking forward to making a start and want to do a good job. Now I just need to find a crew to do for this week while I'm waiting for the rest of my parts to arrive...

Thoughts and comments are (as usual) most welcome.