Here's my take on Aurora, Numen of Aerogenisis. Fancy sounding title ain't it? I don't know much about her or how she works in game as I'm still learning the faction. From what I can tell she is more of a unit caster rather than a vector caster. I'll update more when I learn how to use her. I love this mini though. I was more than a little worried about painting her though, with good reason. I am terrible at painting flesh tones and faces, and her wings looked to be difficult to paint and shade as well. The wings turned out not to be as big an issue as I thought, the face, however, was another story. I could not get it the way I wanted it to look and it was really bringing down the model. My solution? I painted a silver mask on half her face and made her look like Hawk Girl or maybe even Steelheart from Silverhawks. That seemed to turn out well, and I'm fairly happy with the way it all turned out.

That brings me up to two warcasters now, and I have Father Lucent and the Iron Mother still to paint. I still have no idea on what to use for basing on these guys. I don't really want to go with plain grass and snow doesn't feel right either. I'm sure I'll figure something out though, till then I'll just keep painting.