Bueno, llegó el correo de MtgFanatics con las cartitas de Magic para hacer el mazo de minotauros y para upgradear otros mazos. Dejo las cartas para el mazo de minotauros.
Bueno, llegó el correo de MtgFanatics con las cartitas de Magic para hacer el mazo de minotauros y para upgradear otros mazos. Dejo las cartas para el mazo de minotauros.
The Mail came with the news: my nicely 100 cards had arrived (they had arrived to Boston, but I could manage to bring them here). Most of this cards were to build a Minotaur Deck, so I ordered almost every minotaur in town. I had ordered some others you will be knowing when the other decks will be finished...
3 Return to Ravnica - Chromatic Lantern
4 Theros - Fanatic of Mogis
2 Theros - Hammer of Purphoros
2 Born of the Gods - Oracle of Bones
4 Born of the Gods - Ragemonger
4 Journey into Nyx - Felhide Petrifier
3 Journey into Nyx - Pensive Minotaur
3 4th Edition - Hurloon Minotaur
4 Homelands - Anaba Bodyguard
1 Apocalypse - Raka Disciple
3 Homelands - Anaba Ancestor
2 Homelands - Anaba Shaman
3 Homelands - Didgeridoo
1 Mercadian Masques - Warmonger
1 Odyssey - Minotaur Explorer
4 Planeshift - Terminate
3 Portal - Minotaur Warrior
3 Portal - Raging Minotaur
2 Prophecy - Zerapa Minotaur (este es el minotauro Emo)
2 Weatherlight - Hurloon Shaman
3 Visions - Talruum Champion (el minotauro pijudo)
2 Visions - Talruum Piper
1 Ravnica - Boros Garrison
1 Ravnica - Ordruun Commando
4 Shards of Alara - Blightning
2 Rise of the Eldrazi - Lord of Shatterskull Pass
4 Magic 2012 - Dragonskull Summit
3 Magic 2012 - Gorehorn Minotaurs
4 Return to Ravnica - Minotaur Aggressor
1 Gatecrash - Boros Guildgate
1 Gatecrash - Boros Keyrune
2 Gatecrash - Boros Reckoner
1 Gatecrash - Ordruun Veteran
3 Dragon's Maze - Blaze Commando
3 Dragon's Maze - Boros Battleshaper
2 Magic 2014 - Minotaur Abomination
2 Theros - Deathbellow Raider
1 Theros - Felhide Minotaur
4 Born of the Gods - Kragma Butcher
3 Born of the Gods - Warchanter of Mogis
Muchas de estas cartas de minotauros las compré para tener o para ir probando en los mazos. Ahora tengo un pilón de 73 cartas para ser reducidas a 40 para armar el mazo que va a ser mayoritariamente Rojo, Negro y con un splash de blanco por algunas cartas que me gustaron bastante. Fueron como 100 cartitas... Más tarde posteo cómo quedó el mazo de Minotauros.
Many of these minotaurs I bought them to have or keep trying in the decks. Now I have a pylon 73 cards to be reduced to 40 to assemble the deck to be mostly Red, Black and with a splash of white because there are some cards that I like. They were like 100 cards. Later I'll post how finished deck.
*** Ese es Teseo, el loco se volteó a un minotauro, por tipos como Teseo, hoy no tenemos minotauros en el mundo y sí Tauromaquia. Aprendamos de nuestros Errores como Humanidad. Si ve a un minotauro, o a un toro, no lo forree, tratelo con cariño, la discriminación hace de este mundo un mundo más injusto.
*** He is Theseus, this madman massacred the Minotaur and because guys like Theseus, today we (the people of this planet) do not have minotaurs in the world and yes Bullfighting. We must learn from our errors as Humanity. If you see a minotaur, or a bull, not a bad question, treat it with care, discrimination makes this world a more unjust world.