Army list Friday! So I’m trying out a bit of a different list for a while and will be using no lvl4, stubborn crown or mournfang. I’m going for a tyrant + firebelly list which will be pretty tough (the gutstar is certainly starrier!). Personally I think units of 8 ironguts are one of the most optimal units in the ogre book. 24 strength 6 attacks + stomps + impacts is bloody scary. I’m going to be using Throgg as my Tyrant (should be finished painting him for Saturday which is coincidentally my first game with this list!), I love this model and he will really standout as a tyrant! I have elected to use the trickster’s helm along with a the talisman of preservation making him have a 4+ armour and a 4+ ward save and my opponent has to re roll successful rolls to wound. Needless to say this is a rock solid tank build and combined with his 5 strength 7 attacks he is certified machine!

Jason and I are meeting for a game on Saturday night with the below Ogre list against his new lizards. Im not sure what his list will be so hoping this list is prepared for the inevitable poison newts! Let me know what you guys think of the list!

Throgg The OrcOgre King (Tyrant): Tricksters Helm; Talisman Of Preservation; Iron Curse Icon; great weapon; heavy armour 

Gurgoroth "Herald Of Cronos" (Bruiser): Armour Of Destiny; great weapon; battle standard; Lookout Gnoblar 
Hargor Doomfire (Firebelly): Dispel Scroll; Ruby Ring Of Ruin; Level 2 Wizard; additional hand weapon 

Cronos' Fury Guard (9 Ironguts): Dragonhide Banner; Gutlord; Bellower; standard bearer 
The Black Gut Guard (8 Ironguts): Bellower; standard bearer 

The Burning Barrage (8 Leadbelchers): Bellower 
War Pig (1 Sabretusk) 
War Pig (1 Sabretusk) 
War Pig (1 Sabretusk) 

Prometheus' Wrath (Ironblaster) 
Rock Idol (Stonehorn): harpoon launcher 

2,398 points