Here are a few models I did as part of Miniwargaming’s Painting Partner’s Program. They were asking for some unique characters for Tyranids that they can use in a future narrative campaign and these are what I came up with. Matt was very happy with these models so I hope you guys like them too.
The first one is a Tyranid Prime with four boneswords! He’s essentially a mini swarmlord. I love this conversion so much I plan on making one for my own Tyranid army.
Next up is a Zoanthrope special character. I’m not 100% happy with this model myself as he has a few minor flaws that show up on the following photos but at a distance or on video battle reports he should look pretty good.
Lastly is a much larger character. This one is made from parts of the Tyranid Trygon, Carnifex and Hive Tyrant. I didn’t glue his wings on for ease of transportation but with them on he is huge! I managed to take a photo with them blu tacked on so you can see him in all his glory.