TJ here to talk about Gerantius, the forgotten knight which is a WD exclusive. He is a character from the knights book that now has rules of hisnown and they are pretty awesome:

So he has a standard Knight Paladin statline with an addition +1 to his Bs and Ws. He can also run and shoot and rerolls 1s on stomp attacks.

Additionally, he gets a 3++ from his shield and It Will Not Die, makingn him 500 points of incredible.

He cnat take warlord traits and cant roll on the knights table, but who cares? He shores up some of the weaknesses that knights have, which in my opinion is close combat becuase they can regularly die to necron lords, daemon princes and wraithknights. He is now the defense measure against those threats and also provides a very mobile offensive unit against other armies.

I also think from a hobby standpoint, he gives us chaos fans a chance to make crazy conversions, like a nurgle themed, unkillable knight or good rules for a Lord of Skulls/ Knight kitbash (dont mind if I do).

Those are just my opinions though. Any princeps out there want to add theirs? What do you think of Gerantius and his rules?