Father Lucant is the old man of the faction. Literally. He's over 250 years old and one of the first members of the religion to complete transference to a clockwork vessel. In game, from what I've heard, he's one of the strongest casters we have. His feat is pure awesome. It's essentially a time walk. It gives you +4 ARM and all of the repair checks made this round auto pass. So you become tougher AND you get to fix all your vectors. Timing it right is kinda tricky, but I'm sure that'll come to me in time. Very lucky that I was able to pick this up already put together since it's pretty much agreed on that it's the hardest model to assemble. Painting was a breeze. Even though he has a bunch of detail, it's still easy to paint.
With that, I finish all my warmachine models that I currently own. More will be coming down the pipe. Here's a battle group shot till then.