I am finally returning from my 40k hiatus.
In the beginning I was just waiting on 7th edition because I was mid way into my Imperial Guard codex analyst. I decided to put my codex aside and learn the new edition. But after it dropped I lacked the passion that I once had for 40k. To be honest I have yet to really digest all the changes.

However while I was gone my little blog hit a milestone, at least a milestone for me. I surpassed 9000 views and finally got to use the above Vegeta meme. I want to thank everyone who has enjoyed my content and I hope I can continue to bring at least half way decent posts.

I am going to take it slow back into the game. Time to focus on the hobby and get some of this shrink wrap literally my closet. My first project is going to be the start of my legion. I am a true blue Ultramarine so the choice of a legion wasn't hard. Here are a few pics of my test model. Hopefully you all enjoy.