Evening guys,

Normal update time again, oh how the weeks fly past.

I have something new this weekend as a change to my heavily Infinity themed posts of late. This time its something of a more shambling nature that being some zombicide zombies.

Now Zombicide is a popular game at mine, Nifes and Rictus' normal meet ups so much so that I decided to buy a couple of bozes of the zombie models just to paint. They are very very nice sculpts and in my opinion the best zombie models on the market.

At the minute I have only Toxic an dBezerker zombies, though intend to get a box of standard walkers too. Nife is even twisting my arm to try and get me to pledge towards Zombicide Season 3.................

Anyway onto models, the first 3 are pretty much finished:

I'm going for quite basic paint jobs on these guys mainly because they are cannon fodder in game. I am also going for a tongue in cheek approach hence the one fatty being converted to be cosplaying a star trek character. Undead convention goers will provide some inspirations to a few future zombies.

The next batch are all still in various states of progress:

Bezerker Zombies

They have been rather fun going from the pus and goo of the toxic zombies to the hardened skin type armour of the bezerkers. I think I shall be mixing small batches of these in between Infinity models.

Well thats it for now guys, I have 2 order Sergeants very near completion so expect to see those soon.