I'm going to do quite a lot of new Warzone unboxings now when my Wave two of the Kickstarter stuff arrived some time ago. First up of these are the Heavy vehicle for Bauhaus and one of most iconic vehicles in the Mutant Chronicles universe, the Grizzly Tank. There was an old model for this back in the days that was crazy big and did not have that a lot of details, it's also very rare to get hold of.

But from Prodos Games we now have this new version, smaller to fit better with the rest and better details of course. 

Here's all the parts you find in the box, did not receive any cover as this isn't the retail version.

In the first bag we have these parts. Nice details as to be expected. 

The sides with the tracks and also the lover part of the main chassis. 

First the six standard cards, one stat card, two tactical cards, two strategy cards and one gear card. All these are of course geared towards games using Heavies.
You also get six mission cards for using your Heavies in. One is for both players to use Heavies but the rest is actually for one player to have a Heavy and for the other player to react to in different ways. All sounds really fun and this makes it more useful having a Heavy as you can play games with it even if your play mate does have one.

Here we have it in all it's glory. Easy to assemble and everything fits nice together, just might need some green stuff in back but that is all. I actually did an little conversion here. I weren't that fond of the LMG looking in every direction so I cut out and placed the two side mounted looking the same way instead. Need to do some filling with green stuff but I think this looks better. 

Not as easy to attack from behind either as it has two LMG:s here as well and the two 45 mm Cannon Mini-Turrets. You can see on this picture that it needs some filling but it won't be a problem at all. 

Here's just a size comparison with an Wh40k Razorback.
As a final word I must say I really like the kit, easy to put together and it's a really nice looking model based on one of my favorite vehicles in the Mutant Chronicles universe. Will have a fun time trying to paint this up with my airbrush, hopefully the paint job will do it justice.