You have to be IN IT TO WIN IT!

This year's Nova Open Charitable Foundation army build is turning out to be a scorcher!  I was just looking at some of the other models painted and I am blown away. Last time I showed you John Stiening's beautiful knight, well, go look now!  VISIT HERE. But here are some sneakies.

Calgar and Honor Guard

Beautiful Tactical Squad

Dave Taylor's Centurians

And if I get this right, John Stiening actually repainted a Dave Taylor Raider... It is gorgeous! He continues to blow me away. There is so much more to see at the Nova site. GO NOW.

Now for my humble additions. Here is my Tyranic War Vets almost complete. Forgive the terrible lighting and camera, it got run over by my car! But it keeps ticking so I keep using it. :)

And here are my Sternguard. 

For the Sternguard I need to give them all a final highlight on the armor then go over any other details, varnish, and add snow on the bases.  For the War Vets, much the same. My models are struggling to hold their own with some true masters of blue though!  I would dare say that this army project rivals the Battle for Armageddon a couple years ago!  I could spend the rest of summer adding touches here and there, but I will be sending these boys out tomorrow.  The Nova will get some proper pictures taken and posted for all to see.

In case you don't know what this project is, you can WIN THIS ARMY. That is right, you can win one of four armies by visiting the NOVA SITE and purchasing entries. For every dollar you donate, you name will be entered into the drawing once.  If you donate 100 dollars, you name goes in 100 times.  All proceeds raised by this army will go to Doctors Without Borders.  What a worthy cause! You get a chance to do some good in the world, AND win one of the most beautiful armies in the land. 

And don't wait, getting your name into the pool enters you to win additional prizes every week.  The Nova is giving away lots of loot to random people who have donated and it does NOT affect your chances of winning the grand prize.  It is bonus!  I am very proud of being part of this organization and I hope you all donate to the cause and win this army!
