Here we go with another WIP post. I know you’ve had it with the slow progress on the kit but this time I’m really close to having the model finished until the mêlée weapons are complete. As you can see from the spotlight shot I completed the mid-level highlights on every part of the model except for the pilot who will receive some extra care, then assembled the model to its final form. Check out my progress on the Dreadknight after the jump and see what is to come in the next post.

With the base coated and shaded pieces in hand I immediately progressed to the parts that needed the most attention. I had left the servos on the torso unpainted (or rather left the bronze on) since every move on the pieces scratched off the paint on it. So to fix it in place I had to assemble the arms, which needs me to complete work on the arms and ranged weapons! So without further ado, I went over the minigun and the flamer, then the arms themselves. The plan is to highlight metals with Chainmail (or Ironbreaker) and then with Runefang Steel, the reds with Evil Sunz Scarlet and Macharius Solar Orange (or Jokaero Orange). For the rest I will use mixed colors for stuff like small lenses, pilot eyes etc.

I see now that I still have a lot to learn about edge highlighting, especially for spots that are difficult to reach or really tiny edges like the vents on the weapons. I guess I got a bit carried away with trying to set myself some deadlines to deliver the model when there was no need. So I did have some spillover of color on some edges. The pics only show the metal highlights, but reds should show at the end with other items.

I used Chainmail to highlight the metals. Doesn't really show well on a phone camera but you can see its grandeur in a nicely lit room. I left the bronze on the flamer muzzle, will drybrush the sides lightly with gold later. This will leave the soot effect like the GW shop picture. I left some parts as they are, to create contrast. The parts in the shade make the Chainmail stand out. This part I really liked working on. So much definition on the hand and the cables. As before, top parts received highlights... ... and shaded parts were left alone. Makes a nice color modulation.

With the arms and ranged weapons complete, I moved on to the torso actuators and applied the same “gun-metal” formula from my last WIP post and added some wear & tear.

Gunmetal parts, Runefang Steel pistons. didn't want to shade it further, like it as is. Started highlighting the torso. With the metal shining it's a lot easier to see which parts should stay dark and which to stand out. Ignore the bronze, that was fixed later. Here we really see the metal plates standing out. They will have a last highlight on top with Runefang Steel and blue hue below it. Turned out well how the back of the cockpit is much darker than the Terminator's armor and the Dreadknight's front armors. This part was the most difficult. All parts received highlights but I shied away from the connection points. Here's a shot from the assembled Knight. Applied Gunmetal and attached the arms. Then I got carried away a bit...

After the arms and torso I added the highlights on pistons for the leg actuators and the scratches on the back. I also did a minor dry brush of Necron Compound on the ribbed cables and the pilot’s stepping pieces (stirrups?). Then I assembled the feet to figure out how they will be posed on the base. This was definitely not easy, however, as the multiple layers of paint from earlier sessions proved quite detrimental to my progress! Check it out:

Working hard! Applied Runefang Steel to moving pistons. A little difficult to reach, but it comes with the job. Legs Legs The back will have very little highlights, since the upper chassis covers almost all of it. Maybe a slight drybrush here and there. Highlighted feet. Plates that are above received Chainmail as usual, left the other plates as they are, shaded. Here's the difference between highlighted and regular plates. The difference really shows. Feet connected. But that was not easy... ... for the layers of paint prevented me from inserting the feet joints. I pushed in the feet hard and... ... the paint came right off! Cleaned up the paint particles and sprayed glue as best I can and painted a new batch of gun metal. Quick drybrush of Necron Compound and the feet are done. Did the drybrush on the back to show scratches. Highlighted armor plates and attached all together. Can't wait for the blue hue to define everything!

Moving on… next on the list was the tilting shield. This part is a personal favorite of mine, I love doing detail work, especially if you have a few different colors dancing on one spot. The demon I left in the original red colors and applied the Grey Knights heraldry on the fighting figure. It looks to me that Kaldor Draigo is battling Fulgrim as a demon prince. Oh well, gotta ask the sculptor who is depicted in the scene.

Reds highlighted with Evil Sunz Scarlet and then Macharius Solar Orange (Jokaero Orange in the new batch). Need highlights on loincloth and metallics.

Just need highlights on loincloth and metallics. Perhaps I’ll touch up the demon horns and hairs.

Finally, I moved on to the pilot’s details, working from the legs up to the head, as well as the harness. I took care of the golds, the parchments, armor highlights and the chapter heraldry. I decided not to use Vallejo Liquid Metals after all, seeing that the properly thinned paint runs everywhere on the model in my Heldrake experience. Besides, I do not have a ton of gold details to work on to call for the extra work with the alcohol thinner. So, classic, 3 color up shading with the GW golds was applied. My last step here will be to apply OSL to the eyes and assemble the pilot for the blue washes.

First highlights done. Not sure if I need an extra coat of Runefang Steel at the moment. I later highlighted the golds. Just need to rewash them Sepia. Will probably coat black on the control sticks. Wanted to keep the harness simple. Chainmail on all metals, Runefang Steel on the blades. As before, golds will get their washes later.

With first highlights and details complete, next on list is the extreme highlights and then, the scariest part that will make or break the model: the blue steel effect. For this I plan to apply a super thinned blue color to the bottoms of armor plates, working with a wet brush upwards to blend with the background. Just like my previous application of Nuln Oil, it probably will be a little troublesome to correctly shift the color to where I want but I think I’ll manage to give the effect subtle enough to not distract after all.

I looked over the model again and decided that it’s not the worst idea to fully assemble what has been complete so far. The extreme highlights can be done in this phase after all. I shifted the torso to a dramatic pose (or so I want to believe) and glued them together with a deep breath.

There we go! Assembled Knight The whole backside received a Necron Compound drybrush. I guess it was a good call to try color modulation on the arms! Assembled Knight Here's a size comparison. This model really is huge. My poor squaddie... A tryout shot with the melee weapon. The pose is perfect. And a final overhead shot.

After the blue hue I’ll finish the mêlée weapons. Seems like I won’t make it to an airbrush booth before the Eid break, so I’ll take my time with it. If time permits, I’ll squeeze in one last WIP before the Eid to show my blue steel attempt, otherwise, I’ll see you folks after the break!

Filed under: Grey Knights, WIP Tagged: assembly, basing, dreadknight, grey knights, miniature hobby, painting, solo figure, space marines, tips, warhammer40k, WIP