The gentlemen at Titan Games have got hold of a Mantic Games Deadzone Strider (Apparently shops can pledge to Kickstarters as well, lol).

While it was lying around I took some pictures of an assembled version as well as some of the spare parts...this one hasn't been assembled completely as one version (It can be used by Enforcers, Plague or the Rebs) but rather has been primarily built as the corporate version with a few extra touches added from the other available accessories including a Rebs banner piece...

As well as the enclosed cockpit pictured above you also have the option of an open and a smashed version for the Rebs and Plague respectively though there's no reason why you can't swap them about if you wish. There's also three different pilot options so it's obvious that the possibility of an open cockpit with a corporation pilot had occurred to Mantic Games at some point...

The model in the pics has been assembled holding the rifle...

...though there's also a Flamethrower and a Chainsaw available if you prefer...

All in all it's an amazing kit with a lot of detail and a satisfyingly complete set of upgrade options and weapon variants and each version will leave you with a nice pile of spare parts for customisation. He was so keen on the model that he's even put some paint on it...

Thoughts and comments are (as usual) most welcome.