I recently came into possession of a shiny stack of cards...well...strictly speaking, someone else came into possession of a stack of shiny cards and failed to guard them sufficiently well...and that's pretty much the same thing...

...unfortunately for me the guys at Mantic Games decided that they'd rather I didn't show all their models stats before they got a chance to and I was kindly asked to take the post down for a bit...by 'kindly asked' I of course mean that the Corporation Enforcers came for me during the night and took me away for 're-education'...I'm much better now and the explosive chip in my head isn't anywhere near as uncomfortable as you might think...

...of course now that the cards are freely available I think I should be okay to post them...

...does any-one else hear a ticking noise?

Click on the pictures for larger versions...






Forge Father.


Thoughts and comments are (as usual) most welcome.