So, been playing around with my own home made light box and so far I like the results. Here's a shot from before with just a piece of white paper behind the model.

And here is the same model in my new light box.

Much cleaner and more professional looking. There's still room for improvement though. I need to add another desk lamp to the (models) right side that has the same bulb as the left. I may need to add a light to the top, but I'm not sure on that yet. I'll add the one on the side and then see how that goes.

On the gaming front, I've gotten in a couple more "games" of warmachine where I lost terribly. I hesitate to call them actual games since I'm still in the very early stages of learning and I'm more or less figuring out just what my guys are capable of.

Still very much involved in 40k night and I'm finding it hard to leave. I'm currently in the new league and doing well (I may be in first place even, I don't know). Guessing I'll keep up with it till this league is over and then switch into warmachine after that. Of course that all depends on when my darling daughters decide to show up and I shift all my focus to them.

I'm still painting away and have several new models to upload, I just haven't got around to it yet. I have my 25 point list for warmachine almost ready, all I need is to finish one more model. All I need after that is two more models to take me to 35 points. That should hold me over there till I can sell my wolves and flesh out lists with other casters (and pick up the expensive as hell Prime Axiom).