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We bring you a different vieW of 40K. It's about the hobby and the campaigning of this fantastic world of the 40,000 millennia! Whispers from the Warp / News and Rumors : Blood Angels and Dark Eldar Campaign Coming in 6 Months? Space Wolves Next Codex Rumors: - Logan and Bjorn: Lords of War? - No Canis Wolfborn - New Sculpt to Logan? Re-Release of Dark Vengeance set (w/ 7th Edition rules update?) Vox Broadcast / Videos of the Week - 40K Terrain Change, 4th Edition to 7th by Beer and Bolters Warhammer 40,000 - Frontline Gaming TableWar / F.A.T.Mat Review New Recruits / Hobby Updates Terrain Crazy - Enjoying getting back into the terrain aspect of the hobby. Been working with some of the Pegasus Gothic Building Sets: - Stormclaw Sold Out in less than 24 hours! - Ork Codex Review Commanders Corner / Tactics and Army Building - Why MathHammer Sucks the fun out of the game. - Learning how to move in tanks