Hey guys this is my first post in our cool Aleatorblog and I want to share my last work with you. When I saw the new Forge World Tyranid “Dimachaeron” I knew that I want to create my own out of a Tervigon kit. I bought a kit and I knew that I don´t want to create a  1 to 1 copy of the FW-kit. My aim was to use only bits from the Tervigon box. Two tentacle and the tail tip of a crone are the only “not Tervigon parts”. At the beginning I checked out many pictures to get the size of that beast. I did some calculation and the results are that the Dimachaeron has to be something around 15-16 cm. After many hours of work I got this result:

My Dimachaeron has arms like a mantis to catch and crunch everything

My Dimachaeron has arms like a mantis to catch and crunch everything.

Frontview of the beast: The shoulders get this typical Tyranid texture.

Frontview of the beast: The shoulders get this typical Tyranid texture.

The Dimachaeron is walking over a destroyed dreadnought.

The Dimachaeron is walking over a destroyed dreadnought.

It wouldn´t be a nice death when you get in this stomach.

It wouldn´t be a nice death when you get in this stomach.

You can see that the torso was a lot of modelling work.

You can see that the torso was a lot of modelling work.

Size comparison to my Trygon. Who is the boss now?

Size comparison to my Trygon. Who is the boss now?

The back of this Dimachaeron took some time. The lower part wasn´t hard to create but the big scap has a totally new design after hours of modeling.

The back of this Dimachaeron took some time. The lower part wasn´t hard to create but the big scap has a totally new design after hours of modeling.