I have been hard at work trying to get my Slaaneshi forces finished before the weekend. Most of this work is being done in the evenings and I hope to get the remaining for miniatures finished over the next couple of nights. As you can see from the photograph above, the majority of the work has been done. Two units for the army are now complete; chaos thug and warrior respectively. As many of you will know, I love BIG old school banners and Slaanesh gives you plenty of scope for some glorious freehand designs. 

This standard bearer took some work. I only use damaged figures for conversions and this model was in really bad condition when he fell into my hands. Originally a chaos marauder, he had somehow lost his head and hand over the last twenty five years so I had to replace both. I am sure that many of you will recognise the distinctive head I used, and I am pleased with the result. A heavily armoured elf isn't something you come across everyday, but it makes sense in the context of this warband. 

The figure was really easy to paint. he was basecoated in blue and then washed with dark blue ink. Once dry, it was simply a case of working back up to the original colour and adding a few layers of extreme highlights, created by adding white to the base colour. The books I painted shocking pink, just to help the model fit in with others of its ilk, and also because the colour is indeed shocking - just what you would expect the pleasure god's underlings to wear when they are crushing the testicles (or should that be tenticles?) of foul Khornate followers. The banner took a little longer, but no longer than an evenings work to finish. I used paper as the basis of the banner and drew the design in pencil. The whole lot them got a green basecoat with thinned paint that just covered the design. Beginning with the hair, I painted each part of the design until I was happy with what I had achieved. The Slake-Sin name was a later addition as I felt without it the banner was rather top heavy. 

This was the final model I painted for the chaos thug regiment. I had trouble with the green on the shield and it took several attempts to get it looking right. I don't really like painting units or under any pressure. I much prefer to just waft from each project to the next with a huge amount of time pressure. Still, I got the model finished after a few night's work and even added a shield following my latest trend of adapting the Slaanesh symbol. 

I traded this model with Stuart the other week, and he was the only one of the models I took from him that made it into the army! I wanted to have another practise at black armour and took this opportunity to do so. I messed around with the inks in my collection when painting the horns and skin of the warrior. Its curious how bright and luminous you can get basecolours by adding a few drops of the stuff. In the far future, I will paint a Tzeentch army and hope to make good use of these skills. 

And finally, this old warrior was part of a really (pre-Oldhammer) eBay win. I must admit I hated the model when I first saw it and it has resided in a bag ever since. But there was something about him that just said 'Slaaneshi' to me so he went in. The gold armour was incredibly easy to achieve. Basecoat of gold followed by the chestnut ink was. The edges of the models to picked out with some silvera dn that was pretty much that, apart from a  little purple here and there to help tie the model in to the loose themes of the army.