" Dashing through the snow
In a two wolf open grav sleigh
Over the battlefields we go
Slaying all the way "



by Uktena
South Mississippi Gamers
Astra Chaos Wolf

Welcome, Wolf Brothers, to week three of Space Wolf Pre-Releases and Rumors. Not quite as much as last week but we have three new items to talk about. One item is blowing up the 40K blog-o-sphere with a controversy of love and hate; so let's get right to that. I present to thee Logan Klaus ...

The new pictures are from the source: grot orderly.

Click on a picture to get a bigger view.

The Pictures

Would you look at the details on this thing! Incredible.
Not only stellar Norse themed details but good fluff too.

The following rumors about the Stormrider rules are from the source: belloflostsouls.

Logan Grimnar Lord of War
Points = Land Raider.

Epic new model, comes with a sort of grav-chariot called 'Stormrider' pulled by two enormous Fenrisian wolves, but he can be used without it as well.

  • Treated as a vehicle, didn't get AVs, has a 4+ Invulnerable save and cannot suffer Penetrating hits (all Pens are reduced to Glances).
  • Gives Logan 4 S5 Ap- attacks on a turn when he charges.
  • Logan loses Deep Strike if he takes Stormrider.
  • Lots of other cool rules, but didn't get those.


When the Space Wolves go to war, they do so in the company of giants. Drop pods plunge from orbit into the midst of enemy battle lines, reducing the ranks to chaos as the hulking Venerable Dreadnoughts burst out of their metal hulls and begin the systematic slaughter of their foes. 
This collection includes: 7 Space Wolves Venerable Dreadnoughts (which can also be assembled as Bjorn the Fell-Handed or Murderfang) and 7 Drop-pods.
Bjorn the Fell-Handed has masterminded many of the Space Wolves’ greatest victories, and by his hand some of the Imperium’s most heinous adversaries have been slain. Always eager to crush the foes of the Allfather, Bjorn continues to fight amongst his brethren as he has done for millennia. 
This collection includes: 1 Bjorn the Fell-Handed, 1 Space Wolves Venerable Dreadnought and 1 Murderfang.
So what do I, the humble author, think about Logan Klaus and his new Grav Sleigh?
It seems that everyone and their grandmother has an opinion about the new Stormrider Logan Grimnar model; they either love it or hate it. I am firmly in the camp of blown away and loving it - at last my favorite army is getting a Norse themed model that I had always dreamed of. And, you know, I was all ready to defend the Stormrider's look and talk about how the Space Wolves come from primitive roots and are steeped in a traditional Norse culture brimming with mythos lore, how they are a fiercely individualistic people, anti-authoritarian and how the sleigh fits right in with their clearly unique style. But then I got to thinking (uh-oh) and this popular phrase came to mind:

 'Opinions are like elbows and buttholes - everyone has them'.

Anyway, yeah. The internet is a free society and if you want to voice your opposing opinion then I won't be offended as long as you are being civil or humorous about it. All that I know is that I shall enjoy this model and I can not wait to turn it into the centerpiece of my new Space Wolf army. Accompanying Logan Klaus will be my new Stormwolf ships, Murderfang and Venerable Dreads with frick'n storm shields on their arms. I am absolutely LOVING the new Space Wolf models.

Are the Space Wolves moving towards a more assault oriented play style?

Is GW moving us back towards assault?
One thing that has struck me is how all the new Space Wolf models seem to be geared towards fast and aggressive tactics. Is GW starting to swing the pendulum from a shooting meta back towards assault, or at least a middle ground?

The first hint at this was with the flyers; the Stormwolf gives us a super fast transport that holds a ton of models and has an assault door. Forget Land Raiders, this thing is faster, more heavily armed and carries more people!  Then we have the new Venerable Dreads that are rocking Blizzard Shields and big giant axes! Yes, please! Put those puppies in drop pods and make your enemies cry. And whom can forget about Murderfang? 'Nuff said.

Now we have Logan Klaus to look forward to. Logan has always been a beast in assault and he is still going to be a beast. Stormrider is just the icing on the cake - with it Logan has an even beefier assault and he's going to be super maneuverable so he can get to where he needs to be on the battlefield either supporting with this awesome buffs or kicking ass in glorious battle with the rest of his Wolves.

And let me tell you, that 4+ Invulnerable and turning Pens into Glances is huge. It will give Logan the ability to stay on the battlefield for longer, thus taking more heads and grinding more foes into hamburger meat. I can't wait to see the official rules on this puppy!

So far we have seen great new things for The Sons of Russ and I think this new Logan model will continue in that same vein. I dared not hope for another stellar codex but so far it does appear to be heading into that direction.

Wolf Brothers, Fenris is rising once again!