Looking for something fun and maybe a bit different to do?  The forever lack of a new Blood Angels codex got you down?  Try Shadow Era!  

My friend Jared, owner of The Battle Standard in Manchester, CT is hosting a FREE draft tournament for the card game Shadow Era. Essentially you arrive and receive packs of cards, consult their veterans to put together the best deck you can from the cards you receive, and play!  This sounds pretty damn cool and I think I may have to try it myself!  CHECK DETAILS HERE. There are prizes and fun for all. Definitely worth the trip, especially if you are looking for something fun to do with your kid!  The draft is August 17.

What else is going on this month? TBS runs daily gaming each week, separate days for Historical, 40k, Mercs etc.  On August 9 there is a Magic booster draft and on the 10th Warhammer Fantasy!  Now there is an underutilized game!

On August 17 there is also a Warmahordes Steamroller tournament!  I keep threatening to get into that game... 

The Battle Standard pretty much has daily events. If you live in CT or nearby and are looking for something local to do, check out their EVENTS PAGE.

It's been a slow summer for me.  Disappointed I was when the Blood Angel rumors turned out to be untrue. I just don't want to play another codex!  I have also been playing Paintball and doing more active things.  

I played in The Invasion of Normandy at Skirmish, PA a few weeks ago and it was just awesome! It is a yearly event where thousands of players get together to reenact The Normandy Invasion.  CHECK IT OUT. If you are interested in joining me next year let me know, it is definitely worth the trip. I will be organizing a team. My next 40k action will be in October at Battle for Salvation.  I will be playing my Lamenters. See you guys there!
