With the weather turning, BOYL just around the corner and the fact that the wife and I will shortly be taking the kids to Disneyworld for a few days I needed to invest some time today into completing the gaming board that I have been working on. If you recall, I was using materials that I uncovered in the garage after spending the day clearing it up last week. I had to buy a few pots of paint to get the job finished, but these cost no more than about £10. 

I spent the day weathering the road which had been left overnight to dry after being sprayed white. I mixed up a yellowy brown wash using my posterpaint, PVA and quite a bit of water and just dabbed the stuff over the white. This weathered the road surface nicely and brought the tones down alongside the soil elsewhere on the board. Once this was dry, I used PVA straight from the bottle to splodge and dab along the edges of the road to ensure that they looked more natural and overgrown. It edged the board with Duck Tape left over from an electrician's visit. 

What do you think of my efforts, eh?

The next step is to finish off the construction and painting of the buildings that will be used to create a little farming hamlet here. The little cottage you will have seen before and was built using Phil Lewis' old plans from White Dwarf. They other two buildings are variants on this design. The central model is ready for painting while the main farmhouse needs to be timbered and tiled. I reckon that I shall be building a few barns to give the place a rural feel before moving on to the fences and hedgerows. More on the construction and painting of these buildings after the Oldhammer Weekend.