I have finally completed the painting on the Death Guard Rapier. I first posted about this little find (and subsequent kit bash) back in February. Where did the time go? Do you have a few hours to sit and listen? ; )

Anyway, I'm pretty happy with how it turned out, although the weathering powders look a little too orange in these shots.

Here's a link to the original post, some six months ago.

Additionally, my mate Alex is selling off the last of his GW Bitz inventory from his old business (Battleroad Games & Hobbies). He is doing it in typical Alex fashion - all or nothing. But this means you get a great chance to walk away with 4.5 pounds (just over 2 kilograms) of Warhammer and 40K bits. Enough to keep you and all your buddies converting for years (possibly decades) to come!

You can find a link to his eBay auction HERE.

Next up? My very first trip to GenCon!!!
