For quite some time I wanted to get myself a proper light box to get better photos of the miniatures I work on and one time I even built one from scratch, using a cardboard box and some copying paper for sides. While it was adequate for diffusing light, it was still bulky (no way to carry it around) and quite fragile due to the paper sides that could just break any time. Then last week it got thrashed by the cleaning lady and pretty much became useless. So, I looked around for a mobile alternative and found Foldio, by orangemonkie and ordered one to see how it works. Find out what I think about the product after the jump.

Before getting myself hooked up with the product I searched around the hobby blogs to see what other people’s solutions were to this particular problem. Most people go with a scratch built box which they stuff somewhere until needed, others get themselves a complete solution with light reflectors and remote flashers etc. For me the key point was ease of use and being able to set up fast as I do not have a dedicated workspace for the minis, let alone photography. On quite a few blogs I saw praise for Foldio and long story short, I decided to give it a spin.

I got the package yesterday by post (ordered on Monday) and was quite impressed by how fast they delivered. I guess the Express shipping option really paid off. Thank you DHL delivery guy!

The box comes packed with Foldio, its carrying bag (or purse, if you like) and a set of backdrops, as well as the instructions. The device is fully magnetized in the appropriate parts so that you can fold it in and out to set up and take away. 3 backdrops, grey, black and "white". I say "white" because it looks a lot closer to cream. All light absorbing backgrounds, this pic was taken with a flash.

The version I purchased was the 2-LED variant. The single LED variant seemed to be a bit dark comparatively. However, for testing I only bought a single 9V battery, while the box requires 2 to be fully lit. Silly me.

Very first impression: The device is a lot bigger than I imagined. When I saw the intro videos on the site it seemed that only the tiniest of items can be photographed in this booth, but I was mistaken. Sure, the site gives you dimensions and you can always measure it in the air with a ruler but it definitely gives a better vibe when you unbox the item itself and set it up. It’s as easy to set up as portrayed on the company website, which is a huge bonus for mobility and ease of use.

Foldio comes with 3 different colored backdrops: white, gray and black. I think I’ll use my own backdrops with textures and hellish landscapes for a majority of models but for smaller ones for money shots or perhaps WIP pictures I foresee using the white one often. All backdrops are made of a soft felt product (I can’t quite name what it is) that absorb light very nicely and do not get creased when bent to extremes (they even come fully bent in the package).

Here's the little box. Foldio The battery cables, once connected with the batteries, can be magnetized to the sides of the box.

Well, now that it’s all set up it’s time to put it to use! Along with the DSLR camera I got this light box should complement the photography of all my models quite nicely. I immediately went about taking the pics in the new box and check the results. I used both the DSLR and my iPhone to compare. I’ll let you be the judge, but be reminded that I’m still quite the amateur with the DSLR… I’ll leave my wife to handle that!


Started with the Dreadknight. The pics correctly focus on the entire model. With one LED from above, there are shadows around all models. Perhaps I'll have less with 2 LEDs. The colors came out a lot more muted than how they really look. As said, the smaller figures work better in Foldio. With two figures in focus, you already have to compromise and show the holes in the background. Yeah, I didn't expect the beast to fit here! Have to take out the model and reinsert to change poses. The model shades the base completely. Will have to think of something else to fix it. Maybe additional lights. iPhone photos At least the non-metallic colors look more natural at this angle. Probably my favorite photo. Limited shadows, close to reality colors.


With one LED piece, the model shadows itself. I also had a bit of a focus problem. ... then the camera decided to turn on flash to fix my errors! A bit better but still not what I want to see. DSLR photos With flash you get a nice outlined shadow. Can't get away. The possessed model looked a little better, but still muted. Best shot so far. But out of focus for the rest of the model... DSLR photos I had a focusing hell with this fella. The camera decided to glorify the power fist! Photos without flash don't really work with one LED. DSLR photos DSLR photos Together they don't look so bad. DSLR photos The Heldrake takes up all the room inside. DSLR photos DSLR photos Perhaps we'll fare better with manual camera controls next time. DSLR photos DSLR photos Using a larger backdrop inside Foldio might work for such shots. Something like a burning landscape in the back perhaps. The close ups pick up everything on the model, when it decides to work. Get too close and you can't take a shot. Maybe it's the lens. DSLR photos Here's a parting shot with my favorite guy.

Here’s my list of pros and cons:


  • The product is very light and sturdy. Works very well if you have an appropriately sized bag to carry it around.
  • Very easy to set up. Even without the manual you can fiddle with it and figure out what goes where. Idiot-proof.
  • Even with one LED it gives off enough light for an infantry miniature. You can always set up new lights directed at the model.
  • The backdrops do not move around when you reposition the device.


  • The box has quite a few holes in the back when fully assembled, which may disrupt with shots that are not up close.
  • The carrying bag is a very tight fit. I can foresee rips on the sides after some extensive use. Not the best material used in it either.
  • While one LED is enough, you definitely want to have 2 stripes just to have those better lighting conditions. Not a con, really, but a warning.
  • The price is a bit steep. And combined with the bullet before, you really want to get the second variant which doesn’t leave you much choice.
  • While adequately big for smaller minis, anything bigger than the Dreadknight (maybe a Maulerfiend, will see) will have trouble fitting. My Heldrake certainly didn’t fit.

All in all I consider this an OK investment. While at $59 plus cargo it’s certainly not cheap, the results are satisfactory. Recommended to any hobby enthusiast for taking pictures of your smaller miniatures (or other smaller items), especially with non-professional devices like phone cameras. If you work with titans and larger models however, look elsewhere.

Filed under: Chat, Review Tagged: background, black legion, chaos, chaos space marines, dreadknight, grey knights, heldrake, miniature hobby, photography, tips, tools, warhammer40k