So I'll be messing with Epic Borka starting this week and I thought that a log of his (mis)adventures would be great.

General Thoughts
I'll start with my general thoughts on him before I get him on the table. First, the annoying. The bear is derpy. Additionally, I'm not sure how he goes from losing an arm and dying (and rolling a successful Tough check) to being on a bear. I'm sure the new Hordes book will clarify.

He seems underwhelming on paper and typically obtuse for a Trollblood warlock. Nothing overtly powerful but potentially devastating. That's what we're used to as Trollblood players, but something straight powerful would be neat for a change.

Why did he lose 2 Fury when he went Epic?

Second, the good stuff. Overall, the model is gorgeous! Even with the stuffed bear he's riding, Borka himself has lots of energy and movement happening.

His spells and abilities look straight fun. He's only got 3 spells, one of which is necessary to elevate his Feat (annoying) but his Field Marshall helps make the Feat useful and potentially (there's that word again) very powerful.

We Begin
Simple list, simple plan. Rush forward (no pun intended) and Feat to freeze the enemy. If the enemy doesn't bite, it will gain me some board control. So win/win? We'll see. Here's the list.


Fell Caller Hero
Min Krielstone +UA

Fennblades +UA

I'll let you know how it goes :)