Every Med Tour starts with a fully loaded minis case. And what better case than the Apocalypse limited edition ?

I had a shock when I arrived at Perpignan. I had a 17°C when I leaved Savenay, and a 37°C, 10 hours later at Perpignan.

First players arrived friday, we took time to eat and discuss before playin'

First Day...

Med Tour is a two day meeting where we come to play at Warhammer 40,000 the Apocalypse way. And when you say Apocalyspe, you mean... Lords Of War !

Haridan's in town, and it's hungry !
Nothing can replace a Harridan's "Good morning !" smile when you arrive on your first day table. This very well painted organic flyer comes from an army named "My little Forest Animals". So cute...

The All new painted mini malediction strikes again ! Every unit of my 3k DA army, fresly painted, doesn't stay more than two rounds on the table !

Even the Land Raider, painted a long time ago, didn't escape this malediction !

The game was one of a kind: Nids everywhere, Terminators falling from the sky, and Chaos Gods laughing hard. Our Astartes and Mecanicum alliance couldn't resist the Great Devorer and Chaos Space Marines alliance.

To win or to loose, what's the matter ? We played, had a good time and took great pictures. An apocalypse game is made to see great armies have great battles on great tables.

The Med Tour is also having a BBQ with friends, to take time to discuss about our Holly Hobby and everything that happened during last year.

Second Day...

A croissant, a coffee and 'ere we go !.

This time, it's desparate times : we decided to have a mirror alliance on both sides. An astartes, a Nurgle Marine, a Khorne Marine and a Necron players will fight.

I decided to keep only one terminator squad in reserves and place all the other squads on the table.

Apocalypse isn't only a big fight. It's a wonderful huge fight with huge armies, huge Lords of War and themed armies. 

You'll see a 7 Nurgle Chaos terminators squad and a Khorne demon possessed dreadnought fall from the sky... Right in the back of your previously decimated terminator squad !

An Apocalypse game allows players to create crazy armies. Like a Nurgle army based on the sacred number 7, or an all Forge World Mecanicum army.

All you need is time and motivation.