Kevin and Joe joined Gina and I for games Saturday. Gina was busy, so the rest of us started things off with a game of Dominion. Joe got to buying Colonies early using his Gold and Banks, but cooled off a bit as Kevin started getting his money flowing. I had been buying Cities and Trade Routes early, but I was having difficulty getting my engine going. Once a pile was emptied, though, my cities took off and propelled me through my deck repeatedly. I was able to buy multiple Colonies and Provinces at a time and ended the game with a dominant 86 points.
Gina joined us then for Lancaster. I decided to ignore my castle and focused on fighting in the wars again France and upgrading my knights. Kevin and Gina had much more upgraded castles, while Joe had a bunch of low level knights early. They all seemed to be working together better and were rewarded with Laws that benefit them much more than me.
By the end, though, I was able to leverage my high level knights to score quite a few points in the battles and took the 6 point county. I also was rewarded for having one of each level knight, thanks to some well timed laws and help from Kevin. With the strongest army, I was able to overtake Joe for the lead and Kevin wound up taking second.
Gina headed to bed, while Joe and Kevin stuck around for a game of The Manhattan Project. I had intended to focus on Uranium bombs, but when a bunch of Plutonium reactors and nice bombs were available, I had to switch plans. I bought a couple nice Universities, paying $14 for the one that provided three scientists for one. I also had the only efficient source of yellow cake – two engineers for four cake. There was some espionage late, but not enough to really slow me down once I had built and tested a small bomb and then finished with two larger ones to get the 60 points needed. Kevin wasn’t far behind with Joe bringing up the rear.
Until next time, happy gaming!